Welcome to the Students Page at HKIS! Please have your child try the Message to Greg, Art Project and Phrase of the Week – and don`t forget all of the great pictures uploaded regularly! 🙂
Official HKIS Song for 2024-2025! (Becoming very popular!!)
We are learning, everyday.
All the words I need to try and say today.
Whats your name? I`ll
tell you mine.
The more we talk the more we change to friends in time.
H K I S is my school,
Each day is fun – it gives me fuel,
To grow and try my best – its a quest, let`s
Click a button below! Earn your HK Points!
HK ポイントを貯めて、そのポイントを使って HKIS の「プレゼント デイズ」で素敵なプレゼントを購入しましょう! 「プレゼントデー」は年5回開催!!
From 2012!! Wow! 🙂

Here is the 2024/2025 HKIS Calendar!
Our December 2023 Christmas Concert!!
Hi everyone! Here are some amazing pictures from previous Canada Trips!!

Wow! Police cars in Canada!
New! Please! Visit our YouTube channel to see all of the latest videos!
New! Recent pictures as well as the latest Cambridge test results! The next test will be held soon!
Way to go to all students who took part in this most recent Cambridge YLE test!

Hello, HK Canada 🙂

And even MORE great pictures!

Message to Greg! Send me your message. I am waiting! 🙂
Art Project! 下のYouTubeリンクから最新(毎週土曜日更新☆)のArt Projectの動画を見つけてお家で作成しスクールに持ってきてください!(NOW 3 HK Points)
Worksheets! 3 worksheets = 1 HK Point! *Maximum 9 worksheets please. Please do not duplicate. *Please do worksheets based on your level!
ステップ1: はじめにYouTubeの動画(Worksheets for Students)を探してみましょう!