Thank you for joining our Halloween Family Event on Sunday, October 30th! Did you see all of the HKIS students trying their best as they read, spoke and sang? We want to help your child, too!
Pictures from the Halloween Family Event! What an amazing event everyone! 🙂
HKIS established itself as a leading International English School in 2009, focusing on and interacting with one lesson-theme at a time! Gradually, students between 2-13 years old are able to grow not only their English comprehension but also their overall understanding and knowledge!
Check us out! On YouTube!
On now! Join HKIS and receive 75% OFF your enrollment fee! (valid until the end of December!)
あなたのお子様もHKISと一緒に楽しく学びたいですか?歓迎してサポート致します!Want your child to experience the fun of learning with HKIS? We are ready to help your child!
Send a quick-contact and we will be in touch!
[contact-form-7 id=”9365″ title=”Halloween Family Event Thank you”]
What is in your goody bag?
- スペシャルブックタイムプロジェクト!10月31日以降にぜひYouTubeチャンネルにて、Halloween BOOK TIME project 動画をご覧ください!ご覧頂き、お持ち頂ければプレゼントが頂けます!(いつでもお越し頂ければと思いますが、前日までに私達にメールを送って頂きお持ち頂く時間帯をお知らせください。)
- ぬりえシート!ハロウィンのぬりえをお楽しみください。
- HKISの最新情報!イベントにお越し頂いた方、皆様に感謝申し上げます。
- お菓子!ハロウィンには欠かせないトリックオアトリート!
- A special BOOK TIME project! Please go to our YouTube channel after 10/31 and watch the 1031 Halloween BOOK TIME project video! Complete the book and bring to HKIS to receive a present! (please come to HKIS anytime! Please email us 1-day beforehand, to let us know when you are coming to bring your BOOK TIME project!)
- Colouring sheets! Please enjoy these fun Halloween colouring sheets!
- Our latest flyer! Thank you again for joining today`s event!
- Treats! No Halloween would be special enough without treats! 🙂
これらのHKISの場所への様々な時間帯の遠足では、その期間に教室で学んだ英語と、新しくてエキサイティングな英語が結びついています ! 生徒たちが屋外で練習し、学んだ事を活用するとき、新しくてより記憶に残る特別な思い出を作ることになるでしょう!
These HKIS locations are what we use to help further inspire and build upon students’ motivation and excitement! Each day-and-overnight trip to these locations ties in new and exciting English – along with English recently learned in the classroom! It is truly amazing when students practice and use what they learn – outdoors, while creating new and lasting memories!
カナダのブリティッシュ コロンビア州、ペンダー島にあります!年に一度、お盆の週に 8 ~ 9 日間、生徒たちと一緒に沢山の素晴らしい体験をします。
Pender Island, BC, Canada! An amazing experience we take with the students once a year for 8-9 days during Obon week!
Chosei-Mura, Chiba! Our flagship location located close to Kujukuri, Chiba!
HKIS千葉 マウンテン&フォレスト!
Isumi, Chiba! This is our campground, used for mountain hiking, zip lining, chair making and so much more!
小石川 5 丁目にある HKIS の 1 階から 4 階の校舎と組み合わせて、生徒達が私たちと一緒に成長する中で、言語、生活、社会、リーダーシップ、問題解決、認知スキルを伸ばすのに役立ちます。
What is coming soon at HKIS?
We focus on providing an exciting environment for your child to grow and flourish! From the very beginner age and level, to fluency, we offer daily level-based classes and regular experiences to help create, maintain and enrich your child`s development!
New in November!
- 段々と冬に近づく秋について楽しくフォーカスしていきます。自然の中でどんな葉っぱが見え、日本ではどこで雪が降るかなど小石川の4階建てスクールで学んでいきます。
- 次のケンブリッジYLEテストが11月19日にやってきます!5歳から13歳の生徒様!頑張りましょう! ケンブリッジテストの詳細についてはこちらを
- ご覧ください!
- Exciting classes based around the theme of Fall that leads into Winter, the types of leaves we can see in nature as well as what places will receive snow in Japan, at our 1-4F Koishikawa location!
- Our next Cambridge YLE test is on November 19th! For all of our 5-13 year olds – let`s go! More about the Cambridge Tests at HKIS!
New in December!
- クリスマスが近づいてきますので、楽しみながら、なぜ日本は寒いのか、大切な人達とどんなタイプのものをシェアできるかなど小石川の4階建てのスクールで学んでいきます!
- サンタがやってきます!みんなでメリークリスマスを伝えましょう!
- 小石川の4階建てスクールではお泊り会を行います!
- 千葉マウンテン&フォレストの施設ではファミリーイベントも行います!
- Exciting classes based around the theme of Christmas, the reason WHY it is cold in Japan and what types of kind things can we share with the ones we love, at our 1-4F Koishikawa location!
- Santa is coming! Say hello to Mr. Christmas himself!
- Sleepover event at our 1-4F Koishikawa location!
- Family event at our HK Chiba Mountain and Forest location!