Let`s Meet… Our Friends!

Great Places Around HKIS!

(under construction – August 2022)

Welcome to LaQua!
Are you a shop in LaQua? Great! We have an excellent idea!


ハローキッズインターナショナルスクールです!ラクーアから1kmほど離れた小石川5丁目にあります! 2009 年以来、私たちは文京区を中心に何百人もの子供たちに刺激的でユニークな英語教育スタイルを提供してきました。そして今、その興奮を 2022年10月30日にラクーアにもたらします!


2022年10月30 日に何をしますか?

午前10時から午後1時まで、とってもユニークなクラフト、フェイスペイントを体験しつつ、全員が… 午後 12 時から午後 1 時までステージに上がる準備をします!ステージでは、すべての子供達がHKISと一緒にハロウィーンを楽しみながらに歌、ダンス、体を動かすアクティビティに参加できます!



(店名)をBOOK TIME PROJECT、キーワードスポットに!

この特別なイベントに参加したお子様は、特別なハロウィーン プロジェクト(小冊子)を受け取り持ち帰ります。


このBookを完成させて HKIS で素敵なプレゼントを受け取るには、2022 年 10 月 31 日から 2022 年 11 月 15 日までの間に子供たちがあなたの店に来て、キーワードが何かを調べ、それをBookに記入する必要があります!

キーワードを見つけるために何人のお子様(親と一緒に) があなたの店を訪れますか?



小さなスタンド付きのシンプルな A3 サイズの紙を提供します。

English version

Who are we (HKIS)?
We are Hello Kids International School! We are located at Koishikawa 5-chrome, less than 1KM away from Laqua! Since 2009, we have delivered an exciting and unique English teaching style to 100’s of children in Bunkyo – and now we are bringing that excitement to Laqua on 10/30/2022! 
Halloween is such an incredibly fun time for all children – and adults, and we want to capture and build upon that excitement with this special event!
What will we do on 10/30/2022?
From 10am-1pm we will be creating an incredibly unique craft, face painting and preparing everyone to… go on stage from 12pm-1pm! When on stage, all children can take part in signing, dancing and moving to the fun of Halloween at HKIS! 
We have held similar events in the past and this event will be equally as special – and exciting!
What are we proposing?
(Your store name) is a BOOK TIME PROJECT, BONUS WORD stop!
Children from this special event will receive a special Halloween project that they can take away with them. 
The project is a series of words and pictures that they can colour based on watching a special YouTube video we will post to our channel on 10/31/2022!
To complete the book and receive a very nice present at HKIS, children will need to visit your store between 10/31/2022 to 11/15/2022 to find out what the bonus word is, then add it to the book! 
How many children (with parents) will visit your shop to find the BONUS WORD?
We expect 100-150 children with their parents will visit your shop. 
Where will the word be located?
We will provide a simple a3 sized paper with small stand, that you can place wherever you wanted, that has the word on it. 

Let`s meet… Our Friends at LaQua!

1. Hello to… (your shop name)

(your shop name) is a BONUS WORD stop! They specialize in…

2. Hello to… (your shop name)

(your shop name) is a BONUS WORD stop! They specialize in…

3. Hello to… (your shop name)

(your shop name) is a BONUS WORD stop! They specialize in…